Finding exactly what you’re looking for on Google can often be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Often, that one sentence you need to answer your question exists somewhere on the web – but is either too hard for Google to find (due to the volume of pages to choose from) or it’s buried so deep in a page that you have to trawl through to find the specific, relevant information.
Specific searches
Google is making it easier to find niche content thanks to its new paragraph indexing algorithm for specific searches. It now indexes (reads and understands) not just whole pages, but individual passages on the page. It can zoom right to a specific passage of content which answers your query and will disregard content which is irrelevant.
It’s estimated this update will improve 7% of all search queries across all languages.
So, what does this mean for your website?
Make sure content is relevant to the theme of the page it is on and, with this new algorithm in mind, include a paragraph that directly provides an answer to a search query, or gives information to help answer the query.
Start by thinking about the pages on your website. For example, if you offer a certain product, what questions would people ask around it? What would they want to know? Then think about the answer – and whether that is clearly given on that product’s page. If not, you need to develop a concise paragraph to help provide that answer.
Good ways of achieving this include developing ‘how to’ guides, FAQs and resources for your website.
In the latest Google Presents on YouTube, Google’s Cathy Edwards explains the newest algorithm and shares a really good example of a niche search – “How can I determine if my house windows are UV glass” – showing how passage-based indexing works for specific searches.
Could your web content be slicker?
We can help people find you when searching online. Speak to our SEO specialists today about a content review, so we can start driving more traffic to your site.